Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day care

If Adam was born on time (and none of what happened, happened) than Adam would have gone to daycare when he was about 6 months old.

Instead, all that happened, happened and we made lifestyle changes to make sure he would not.

His NICU doctor explained to us that Adam lacks many immunities. He missed the entire last trimester. To try to make up for that and help him, I pumped breast milk for 6 months. I would set my alarm and wake up around the clock to pump. Then I would freeze it and/or bring him fresh milk. The NICU had a pumping station and would store my milk for him to use when I wasn't there. My breast milk would go into a feeding tube and then later a bottle for him. I feel good that he survived solely on nutrients from me for his first 6 months.

The other thing we did was we listened to the doctors. Adam went NO WHERE. 
1. He never went to public places- no mall, restaurants, chuckecheese
2. All those who see him had to have flu shots, wash their hands and be non smokers
3. We all (including my 9yr old) changed clothes and showered when we came home from school/work
4. We temporarily found a home for our beagle- (she sheds and the whole trach thing made it necessary to keep home hair free)
5. We cleaned as often as possible

The biggest thing was no daycare. I took a 6 month unpaid leave from work and then Philip took an almost 2 year unpaid leave from work. We borrowed and mortgaged money, eliminated expenses and Philip took a job paying a lot less but with better hours working 1-9 pm. We hired a babysitter from 1-4 and my mother, cousin and brother helped watch Adam in our house.

He got sick a few times and was hospitalized for minor illnesses, but we felt it made a difference. They told us he had an 80% chance of not seeing 2 years old. We worked hard to get him this far, but we are now going to put him in day care.

1. He needs to socialize with children
2. He doesn't talk- only signs and uses PECS so hoping that this might improve his speech.
3. He doesn't eat much- maybe seeing other children eating will help, too.
4. Phil's leave is up and he needs to return to teaching or lose tenure and pension.
5. Adam got his trach out

Adam will go 3 days a week to daycare in September at 27 months old. We still have a sitter and family to help with the other 2 days.  I will blog more on our selection of schools another day.


  1. 80% chance he wouldn't see 2 years old. He's 2 years and three months old now. That is so amazing. Really, really amazing.
