Sunday, September 27, 2009

Our New Routine

So September is almost over and we pretty much have our routine down.
 It's a crazy one.

 I wake at 5am (or Phil, we take turns). We give Adam his previcid (medicine for reflux). He is in our bed, when he arrived is anyone's guess- usually 3ish. Then we start his tube feed. He gets 250cc of peptimin jr. (it's a high calorie, protein, kids' liquid food available with a prescription). It goes through his stomach tube (mic-key button) while he sleeps and usually runs until about 6:15am. 

During this time I am usually "resting my eyes." for a few more minutes, start the pot of coffee and get in the shower. I wake Matt at 6 am, and continue getting dressed, hair and makeup.

We wake Adam by 6:30 and are in kitchen by 6:35. Check that Matt has on matching clothes, teeth are brushed, breakfast eaten. We will toast a bagel to take "to go" and make our large "to go" coffees. Get Adam dressed, inhalers given, and grab lunches (all 4 made night before).

In car by 6:55am. We drop off Matt and sign him in and then drop off Adam and sign him in. This takes about 30minutes for both children. We are on the road by 7:30 and usually get to work by 8:15. The whole drop off is reversed and we pick them up and are home by 4:45pm.

Then we tube Adam again (since he doesn't eat at school). dinner, lunches are made following dinner cleanup,  homework (which is taking longer now - joys of 4th grade) baths, books and bed. Adam gets tubed twice more while he sleeps- last feed over by 11:30pm

Twice a week Matt has soccer- 2 hour practices, games Sunday. Phil works another job one night a week and one weekend a month. Piano for Matthew is one night a week. I try to get to the gym three times a week (and have actually done this all month).

Laundry and food shopping and running a vacuum are weekend activities if they fit.

There are usually dirty dishes in my sink, laundry in need of folding, beds are never made and kitchen floor can be quite disgusting at times, but my boys are hugged and kissed, and we always have time for playdoh, tickle fights and cuddles. 

1 comment:

  1. You are greatness. Your last paragraph...all that matters.
